Prà da Faira, 7550 Scuol
+41 81 862 31 31
opening hours
Check-in: 16:00 - 21:00 Uhr, Check-out: 07:30 - 10:00 Uhr
Breakfast included, FoodUponReservation, wheelchair accessible, Wifi available, waschingmachine, Drying facility
Breakfast / Dinner / Lunchpacket
Number of beds
Beds for groups

There's almost no point in putting on your sunglasses before you reach the modern hostel, because it's just a two-minute walk from Scuol-Tarasp station, and the same goes for postbuses and the cableway to the skiing and hiking area of Motta Naluns. There's a long and varied list of activities for families as well as sport and nature lovers: would you like to try Alpine-dairy cheese from the region, or mineral water straight from the village fountain? Or relax in the Bogn Engiadina thermal baths? Go biking, explore the National Park or the Schellen Ursli Path? Or would you rather take a stroll through the old village centre, past the beautifully decorated houses? You can do all of this – and there's plenty more waiting for you, too!


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