Hornstrasse 5, 8805 Richterswil
+41 44 786 21 88
+41 44 786 21 93
opening hours
Check-in : 17:00 - 22:00 Uhr, Check-out: 07:00 - 10:00 Uhr, Rezeptionszeiten: 07:00 - 10:00 und 17:00 - 22:00 Uhr
Breakfast included, FoodUponReservation, wheelchair accessible, Wifi available, waschingmachine, Drying facility
Breakfast / Dinner / Lunchpacket
Number of beds
Beds for groups

The grand house, formerly a silk factory, offers its guests comfortable rooms with a view of the lake, seminar and meeting rooms, and a charming terrace. The green-blue waters of Lake Zurich are the jewel in the crown for any event or active sports holiday. There are also numerous attractions in the surrounding area, such as the ruins of Old Wädenswil Castle, marked by the turmoil of the Reformation, or the impressive Einsiedeln Abbey, a place of pilgrimage. Especially the "Gottfried-Keller-Plätzli" in Burghalden and the lakeside path offer beautiful views of the islands of Ufenau, Lützelau and Schönenwirt, and of the foothills of the Glarus and Appenzell Alps.

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Kloster Einsiedeln Pilgerherberge in der Benediktinerabtei