Landhausquai 23, 4500 Solothurn
+41 32 623 17 06
Breakfast included, FoodUponReservation, wheelchair accessible, Wifi available, waschingmachine, Drying facility
Breakfast / Dinner / Lunchpacket
Number of beds
Beds for groups

The number 11 appears everywhere in the former residence of the ambassador of the French royal family. There are 11 churches and chapels in the picturesque old town, 11 historic fountains between the patrician houses, and 11 museums. The Cathedral of St. Ursus, a towering symbol of the town, was built in 11 years, the façade is three times 11 metres tall, 11 bells hang in the tower, and the outer staircase is made up of three times 11 steps. And what do the locals enjoy drinking on the banks of the Aare? "Öufi" (11) beer, of course. Magical moments can also be had without numbers games, though, such as in the rugged Verena Gorge, in the stork village, on a panoramic excursion to the Weissenstein mountain, or at the Film Festival.


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