Rue du Lavoir 5, 1580 Avenches
+41 26 675 26 66
opening hours
Check-in: 17:00 - 22:00 Uhr, Check-out: 07:00 - 10:00 Uhr, Rezeptionszeiten: 07:00 - 10:00 Uhr und 17:00 - 22:00 Uhr
Breakfast included, FoodUponReservation, wheelchair accessible, Wifi available, waschingmachine
Breakfast / Lunchpacket
Number of beds
Beds for groups

Owing to comprehensive renovation and extension work carried out in 2013/14, this youth hostel is a favourite with hikers, cyclists, horse riders, culture vultures, language students, families and school classes alike. The former orphanage boasts a beautiful garden where willows and chestnut trees reach towards the skies, a bright and airy dining room, modern, functional rooms and a barrier-free wooden pavilion. Unforgettable experiences are guaranteed thanks to the very well-maintained Roman amphitheatre, which is within easy walking distance, the ruins of the former Roman town, pleasure hikes through the vineyards, fun in the sun in one of the nearby stretches of water and, of course, the professionally run French courses.

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