Maja Sacher-Platz 10, 4052 Basel
opening hours
Check-in: 15:00 - 00:00 Uhr, Check-out: 06:00 - 10:00 Uhr, Rezeptionszeiten: 00:00 - 23:59 Uhr
Breakfast included, FoodUponReservation, wheelchair accessible, Wifi available, waschingmachine, Drying facility
Breakfast / Dinner / Lunchpacket
Number of beds
Beds for groups

If you stay at this Designer Youth Hostel, you can experience a highly successful marriage of old charm and contemporary architecture. Just like the city of culture itself, this youth hostel remains true to its traditional roots while being international, stylish and open. This unique atmosphere fits perfectly into the picturesque St. Alban district, and guests will quickly forget they are in the middle of a metropolis when they spend time on the wooden terrace. Thanks to its central location on "Dalbedych", you'll find world-famous museums, the historic old town, the River Rhine, Basel Zoo, the Basel Tattoo and Basel's legendary Fasnacht carnival practically on your doorstep.

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