Via Francigena between Bovernier and Sembrancher
The route is closed and there is no alternative. Do not follow the very dangerous international route. TAKE THE TRAIN!
Reason: Other
bei Les Valettes im Tal der Dranse
We follow the Dranse creek which initially leads us south, until the valley snaps off to east. On the sunny side of the valley, the trail gets steeper for a while, which will allow a rewarding view over the valley, before we return back to the Dranse in order to reach Bovernier on the other side of the creek. This will not finish the ascents of the day, but the steepest ones are behind us now.
bei Les Valettes
Another hour of hiking along the Dranse, and we will reach Sembrancher, where our way turns south again, now along the Dranse d´Entremont into the valley d´Entremont. We now mount up continuously until we reach todays destination Orsières at 887 m.o.s.
The «Via Francigena» is one of the 3 main christian pilgrimage trails of the Middle Ages, the main axis leading from Canterbury to Rome. This documentation currently covers the stretch from Pontarlier close to the F/CH border across Lausanne to Rome.
Die «Via Francigena» ist einer der 3 christlichen Pilgerwege des Mittelalters, dessen Hauptachse von Canterbury in England nach Rom führt. Diese Dokumentation umfasst vorerst den Abschnitt von Pontarlier nach Rom.
Ab Sembracher kann das Herzklopfen dann dann wieder dem Puls einer "normalen" Bergwanderung angepasst werden.
Martigny - Le Bourg - La Croix - Bovernier - Sembrancher - La Douay - Orsières
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