entlang der SS2
Shortly after leaving Viterbo, the current Via Francegena turns west, crosses the SS2 (Via Cassia), follows this one south for a while and then turns east, crossing the SS2 again. This will bring us back to a direct connection from Viterbo towards Rome. This direct trail corresponds to the «Strada Signorino» which has already been recommended in former documentations, and we have added it as «Alternative A» to this documentation. In this context, it's interesting to observe the various generations of singnalling, sometimes contradicting - interesting especially if you choose the obsolete option.
The «Via Francigena» is one of the 3 main christian pilgrimage trails of the Middle Ages, the main axis leading from Canterbury to Rome. This documentation currently covers the most frequented section from Lausanne to Rome.
Die «Via Francigena» ist einer der 3 christlichen Pilgerwege des Mittelalters, dessen Hauptachse von Canterbury in England nach Rom führt. Diese Dokumentation umfasst vorerst den Abschnitt von Pontarlier nach Rom.
Viterbo - Terme dei Papi - Fosso Rigomero - Fosso Dei Molini - Antica Locanda - Fosso Valle Straccia - Vetralla Municipio
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