unterwegs nach San Gimignano
Wallfahrtskirche Santuario di Pancole
San Gimignano is very, very much visited by tourists, so we will not meet any natives. The perfectly maintained medieval structure of the town and the high, fortificated towers belong to the UNESCO World cultural heritage since 1990. A further emblem of the town are the high towers built by competing merchant families at the time, during the peak period of San Gimignano, 72 of such towers existed. This «skyline» basicly was a result of building regulations which then only limited the horizontal dimensions of a building, but not the vertical ones.
erster Blick auf San Gimignano
Amongs the ecclesiastical buildings, the Collegiata Santa Maria Assunta plays a key role. Built during the 12th century, with large stairs at the front side, and many frescos inside. San Gimignano has a lot of historic sites worth to be explored, so it is a good choice for a day off.
The «Via Francigena» is one of the 3 main christian pilgrimage trails of the Middle Ages, the main axis leading from Canterbury to Rome. This documentation currently covers the most frequented section from Lausanne to Rome.
Die «Via Francigena» ist einer der 3 christlichen Pilgerwege des Mittelalters, dessen Hauptachse von Canterbury in England nach Rom führt. Diese Dokumentation umfasst vorerst den Abschnitt von Pontarlier nach Rom
San Gimignano verfügt über viele Sehenwürdigkeiten und bietet sich also auch für einen Ruhetag an.
Gambassi Terme - Riparotta - Casanuova - Gli Spinai - Montecarulli - Il Pogenetto - Villa Zanetti - La Piazetta - Pàncole - Collemùcioli - Santa Maria Assunta - San Gimignano
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