unterwegs nach Aosta

unterwegs nach Aosta

The first 6 km of this stage are quite flat at about 1200 m.o.s. and lead us throughout the Valley of Aosta. Close to the villages of Montjoux/Gignod, the trail starts to descend and the direction turns southwards. This opens the view overlooking Aosta, our today's destination. Aosta is the capital both of the district named Aosta as well as the region named Valle d´Aosta.
Smaragd-Eidechse am Wegrand

Smaragd-Eidechse am Wegrand

The Romans founded Aosta approximately 25 b.Chr, its name at the time was Augusta Praetoria and its mission was to control access to the alpine passes of Minor and Grand St-Bernard. Despite various plunderings and desctructions during the following centuries, many of the original buildings like the town wall, town gates, the triumphal arch as well as the roman theatre and the amphitheatre partly survived.

Blick von Torre di Gridnot auf Aosta

Blick von Torre di Gridnot auf Aosta

Also well worth seeing is the monastery church named San Pietro ed Orso, built around 1000 a.Chr. as a basilica in early romanesque style, and renewed 500 years later in gothic style.


The «Via Francigena» is one of the 3 main christian pilgrimage trails of the Middle Ages, the main axis leading from Canterbury to Rome. This documentation currently covers the most frequented section from Lausanne to Rome.


Die «Via Francigena» ist einer der 3 christlichen Pilgerwege des Mittelalters, dessen Hauptachse von Canterbury in England nach Rom führt. Diese Dokumentation umfasst vorerst den Abschnitt von Pontarlier  nach Rom.

Orte entlang des Weges

Echevennoz - Montjoux - Gignod - Cré - Chez Henry - Chez Roncoz - Variney - Signayes - Aosta

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